Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Line of Literature

"Call me Ishmael" 

Just kidding, I don't get why everyone loves that line so much. I didn't even like Moby Dick that well, Billy Bud either, Herman Melville in general for that matter. I did like one of his lines in Billy Bud. He Says " The might have been is but boggy ground upon which to build." I believe he was referencing the commercial failure of Moby Dick. But Dr. Sexon asked us to quote something that wasn't a proverb so that one is out. And Medina all ready took the first line of Mister Pip. (Damn you, Medina!)
 The line that sticks with me through all the books that I've read is one from Les Miserables "Is it true that they let me go?" For those of you who have read the book you will know where it happens, if you haven't then my describing it won't help you get it. But this moment of pure transcendence, baptism almost, for Jean Valjean comes to me often as I move through life.

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