Monday, July 28, 2008

Um I think I'm a bit behind on these blogs

Alright I'm a bit behind I guess. I need to take a look and see what we are supposed to be writing about.

Ok then.
First impressions of Mister Pip
I appreciated the premise for this novel, I wont reiterate it here but the Idea of juxtaposing these two worlds upon each other is brilliant. 19th century England and a 20th century South Seas Island in the midst of a rebellion, genius. Also the constant interplay between reality and the dream world of imagination that are beautiful. I also get the sense that the author must have spoken to many pacific islanders in order to glean all of the oral folk wisdom that he passes on. I also wonder at the decision to write from the point of view of a girl. I have not seen vary many authors pull the gender switch off, and this one is only marginally successful. Thought at times it is easy enough to forget that Matilda is not a real person. She seems to lack some of the animus  of a real pre-teen. Also there is almost no mention in this novel of her changing into a sexual being of any kind. Odd for a coming of age story. I know that at her age in the book an obsession with girls almost dominated my life. Odd to think this young woman has absolutely no gender related feelings.

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