Wednesday, July 23, 2008



I heard somewhere that "Solitude is ever
a silent storm, that tears away the dead
branches of the self." I think, however,
alone is more the hidden ore of lead.
It suddenly becomes acutely known,
the burden of rock and soil above;
The scree was always there, shadow of stone
but now pressed close by Vulcan's black glove.
Also, every direction I ignore
seems to be a maze that brings me back to
myself, I wonder if there is a minotaur
at the center of my labyrinth's rue.

But perhaps its an avatar's source,
with wings and compass, needing soul and course.

I don't know what to say about this, other than to reiterate that; I hate sonnets and would rather write my own poetry, free of these useless restrictions. For instance here is how that same poem goes without the sonnet form.


I heard somewhere that: "Solitude is a silent storm
that tears away the dead branches of the self."

I think, however, that solitude is more like
suddenly realizing I'm a worm.

I know I've been living underground,
but I become acutely aware of the 
weight of the rock and the soil above me.

It was always there but now I can feel it.

Also every direction that I run, 
seems to be a maze that brings me back to myself.

I wonder if there is a minotaur at the center of my labyrinth,
or maybe it's just me.

But perhaps;
its a different me
with wings and a compass
only needing a soul and a course.

Anyways, let me know what you think of the two versions in class.

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